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What does the Community Need?

          It is time we ask ourselves, “Is what we are doing helping to change lives or... is it enabling the status quo?” I have personally asked some of the residents what they need. One individual made it very clear when they said; “We don’t need another hot dog, or just another prayer...we need change!”

          So, what does this community need? This community needs unity along with a city wide movement that will motivate, encourage and give them hope that change is possible! It needs change in the form of mentors, jobs, education, motivation, and consistent daily doses of Christ’s Love. A project as large as Bragg N East will create such a movement, with a call to action for Christians to work hand in hand within and alongside of this hurting community. A movie filmed in the neighborhood will also create something for the residents to be a part of, and to be proud of, seeing that they are worth something. That sense of pride in the neighborhood will be a seed for change, and the street teams we will be planting in the area will help that change grow. One thing the neighborhood does have is a tight network of people who all know each other. So when a couple of residents start to change, others in the neighborhood will be motivated to join the Bragg N East movement. We will be sowing daily into the residents and they will be sowing daily into their neighbors. We will work with them so they experience a sense of ownership and pride and they create the change to become a place with less crime, more opportunity, and more fol- lowers of Christ.

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